Recommended Links

These links are recommended because Shaar-Israel deems them to be necessary connections to all returnees from the Ten Tribes.
As such, we recommend that they be supported by the returning Ten Tribes in their endeavors for they are all part of the prophesied "restoration" of all things spoken of by
all the prophets since world began

This is Shaar-Israel’s older sister website.  It is expressly written to the regathering Ten Tribes at the end of the age. It specifically addresses ”the early contingent of returnees from the Valley of Dry Bones” with directly relevant perspectives culled from the Torah, the Prophets and the Writings. The small collection of articles is a primer and starter for collecting and disseminating the initial Guidance we are sent in the Scriptures. Those who are not familiar with the site, are strongly recommended to read its articles for they are the foundations for Shaar-Israel.

The UOH site was built with the hope that it is one of  the road signs along the way of t'shuvah / repentance to further the return of the Ten Tribes to the Covenant we all made at Mt. Sinai.  It was designed to unite our split hearts within and to galvanize our united effort to help access Divine Guidance for the returning Ten Tribes toward unification of the Soul of Israel.

This website is the root of both Unite Our Heart and Shaar-Israel websites. Without knowing the identity of the Ten Tribes our two sites make little sense.  It concerns itself with tracing the historical and Biblical foundations of the identity of the Ten Tribes that they were to discover and “reinherit” in the last days.  Its vast storehouse of knowledge has the best of the old and today's new research to support the Biblical prophecies about the return from anonymity to vibrant life of the people of Biblical “Ephraim,” the Northern House of Israel.  These so-called “lost tribes” are shown to “come alive” in history to inherit the birthright blessings of Joseph and eventually to return in repentance  to reconstitute the Davidic commonwealth of United Israel of the Messianic Age.  It is recommended that after perusing the web site, one print it out, ask God for understanding, and prayerfully study the commentary on the Book of Hosea. This book was written expressly to the Ten Tribes to be understood by them “in the last days.” It contains a great collection of keys to unlock the prophecies about the Ten Tribes.  We recommend that you sign up for their informative mailing list which updates subscribers re many developments of concern to returnees from the Ten Tribes.


This site is unique in all the world. It is dedicated to "the great restoration" prophesied in the Tanach, the Torah, the Prophets and the Writings. This "restoration" is of all the scattered, cast out and exiled tribes of Israel, to be regathered at the end of the present age. Specifically, it is concerned with the "the-end-of-days" regathering of the so-called "Lost Ten Tribes," the northern house of Israel, often called "Ephraim" in the books of the Prophets. The site maintains that these returning Ten Tribes, and those gentiles who will join them, are to be gathered  as written on "the stick of Joseph and his companions" in Ezekiel 37:16. Further this site proclaims that this "camp" is to be gathered to the core Biblical / Abrahamic Faith of the Torah, called by Jeremiah the “good way” among the "ancient paths," (Jeremiah 6:16). The site's "gathering" called, "Synagogue Without Walls" broadcasts teachings on Shabbat and promotes social and study-related networking among its members. All members are at diverse stations on their homeward trek to the Torah, yet are being held together by mutual respect and tolerance for others on their own individual paths of return to the Torah and the Covenant.


This site is among the leading sites that is a manifestation of God's "strong arm" now being active in the regathering of so-called "Lost Ten Tribes." It is designed only for those who are concerned with what they can do, according to the Biblical perspective, to help usher in an age of complete peace, happiness, and prosperity for all humankind. The purpose of "United Israel," in keeping with the clear and absolute message of Hosea and all the Prophets, is to send forth a call to the descendants of Israel whom God has sown among the nations, to help them identify themselves, and to educate them in full Torah faith. Its scholarly articles about the identity and obligations of the returning Ten Tribes, and its blog update those who are "called to return" to the fold of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob at the prophesied "end of days."


This site tells the up-to-date story of the Holy Temple in words and in pictures. It is a story that spans the millennia, from the very beginning of creation, to the establishment of the Third Temple, as foretold by every prophet of Israel. This is a story now unfolding, the most exciting chapters being written now in our own times... and you can be a part of it. Take a look, you will be inspired.  It is recommended that all returnees subscribe to its informative mailing list and partake of its unique seminars, lectures and teachings by Rabbi Chaim Richman of the Temple Institute.



AZAMRA is dedicated to global outreach to Jews and Gentiles through Internet, quality publications and educational programs promoting the study and practice of Torah, healthy lifestyle, environmental responsibility and the pursuit of peace, coupled with timely messages for our times from the Prophets. Check schedule for live interactive classes with Rabbi Avraham Greenbaum on Sundays and for downloadable classes on the Universal Torah Network.


Regular Video Programming Started August 1st, 2006 Featuring Regular Programming from:
Rabbi Chaim Richman of The Temple Institute, Rina Richman, Sam Peak and Rabbi Avraham Greenbaum of, as well as other teachers all in the "Hebraic Restoration Movement of the the last days.  Check every week to be updated by streaming video lectures.


The purpose of Prof. Eugene Narrett's web site is to shed light on the intimate, complex and deeply punitive stance that western civilization (”the West”) has long maintained toward Judaism and the Jewish people. The discussions on this site embrace politics and geopolitics, the history of cultures, the ideological as well as military and economic clash of civilizations. Enjoy the links and the commentaries on our times when everything is at stake.



The Freeman Center for Strategic Studies aids Israel in her quest to survive in a hostile world. This will be accomplished through research into the military and strategic issues related to the Arab-Israeli conflict and Islamic terrorism and the dissemination of that information to the Jewish and non-Jewish community. Founded in Houston, Texas, in 1992, its activities include commissioning extensive research into the military and strategic issues related to the Arab-Israeli conflict and disseminating pertinent information to the Jewish community and worldwide. Its board of directors and advisory committee include leading pro-Israel activists from around the world. Prof. Eugene Narrett is among its frequent article contributors.